Timeline of Moore County
By Glynda Pflug

The first 75 years changed Moore County from a land that had only known Indians and wildlife to an organized county with businesses and industries, three towns, one an incorporated city with a paved street, telephone service, gas and water.
Moore County might have looked much like any other frontier area in the late 1800's. Indians were attacking settlers, cattle drives and freight wagons were using the Tascosa -- Dodge City Trail and big ranches were being organized in the Texas Panhandle.
Settlers first came to the county in 1884 -- the Leverton families -- John and Mollie and George and Cora. The two families established their homes in the southeast part of Moore County. Robert and Elizabeth Spurlock came and stayed and other families began to settle. In 1890, a town was formed and named after its founder, Louis Dumas.
From that early beginning in 1884 to the present, Moore County has continued to grow -- both in population and in economics. Ranching, farming, oil and gas have given the county a stable foundation and growth has been steady for over 125 years.
In the 1860's, Indians were here, using nearby Alibates Flint Quarries for weapons and tools, and attacking settlers and cattle drives. Ranching brought questions about cattle ownership. In 1887, John Leverton and a posse had a shoot-out over cattle.
Moore County was organized in 1892 and construction of a courthouse was started. The first school was built west of the courthouse and Professor Robert Bass was teacher. A school was built in the Palo Duro area, east of Dumas, in 1901. The following year Middlewell school opened south of Dumas. In 1905, a new school was built, this time with a bell on top. The third Dumas school, a two story structure, was built in 1920.
Grasshoppers covered the county in 1892, and devoured crops and grassland. Some years later, in 1898, a big prairie fire again destroyed crops and grasslands.
The first recorded marriage was in 1894 when W. T. Sanders married Etta McNabb.
Moore County's first doctor, Dr. Cushman, established a practice in 1895. He was followed by Dr. W. W. Anthony in 1901.
The Dumas Baptist Church was organized in 1892. Methodist and Christian churches started in 1900. Church of Christ was started in 1919.
In 1902, the first murder trial was held when V. M. Caraway was murdered by his wife.
The Jameson family was the first family to get a telephone. The lines were erected in 1903 on tops of barbed wire fences.
Moore County might have looked much like any other frontier area in the late 1800's. Indians were attacking settlers, cattle drives and freight wagons were using the Tascosa -- Dodge City Trail and big ranches were being organized in the Texas Panhandle.
Settlers first came to the county in 1884 -- the Leverton families -- John and Mollie and George and Cora. The two families established their homes in the southeast part of Moore County. Robert and Elizabeth Spurlock came and stayed and other families began to settle. In 1890, a town was formed and named after its founder, Louis Dumas.
From that early beginning in 1884 to the present, Moore County has continued to grow -- both in population and in economics. Ranching, farming, oil and gas have given the county a stable foundation and growth has been steady for over 125 years.
In the 1860's, Indians were here, using nearby Alibates Flint Quarries for weapons and tools, and attacking settlers and cattle drives. Ranching brought questions about cattle ownership. In 1887, John Leverton and a posse had a shoot-out over cattle.
Moore County was organized in 1892 and construction of a courthouse was started. The first school was built west of the courthouse and Professor Robert Bass was teacher. A school was built in the Palo Duro area, east of Dumas, in 1901. The following year Middlewell school opened south of Dumas. In 1905, a new school was built, this time with a bell on top. The third Dumas school, a two story structure, was built in 1920.
Grasshoppers covered the county in 1892, and devoured crops and grassland. Some years later, in 1898, a big prairie fire again destroyed crops and grasslands.
The first recorded marriage was in 1894 when W. T. Sanders married Etta McNabb.
Moore County's first doctor, Dr. Cushman, established a practice in 1895. He was followed by Dr. W. W. Anthony in 1901.
The Dumas Baptist Church was organized in 1892. Methodist and Christian churches started in 1900. Church of Christ was started in 1919.
In 1902, the first murder trial was held when V. M. Caraway was murdered by his wife.
The Jameson family was the first family to get a telephone. The lines were erected in 1903 on tops of barbed wire fences.

The year 1908 was a busy year: First State Bank opened with a vault located outside the building, Bob Powell opened Powell Abstract Co., the first newspaper was published, Bob Powell owned the first bicycle in the county, J. L. McFarlin owned the first car -- a Reo, County Judge Wylie Fox bought a Ford car.
A blacksmith shop was opened in 1910 by A. L. Anderson and Brown's Pharmacy opened in 1914.
Another natural disaster came in 1918 when "The Big One" blizzard covered the county.
Cotton became a popular crop in the Panhandle and a cotton gin was built in 1922. The first bale of cotton was ginned in 1924.
Phil Baxter stopped in Dumas in 1923, stayed a few days and wrote the song "I'm a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas."
Oil and gas were discovered in Moore County in 1925 and a few years later, in 1929, Shamrock Oil and Gas began operating a natural gas plant.
Belle Plain was a small community started in the east part of the county in 1926, but was short lived and died in 1929.
The year of 1927 was busy one with electricity, gas and water systems constructed for the city, the chamber of commerce was organized and the first edition of Moore County News was published on June 17.
By 1930, the population of the county had grown to 1555, Dumas was incorporated as a city and Sunray was organized. The Dumas theatre was opened and the city purchased the first fire engine.
In 1931, the railroad came to Dumas and the first wheat crop was shipped by rail. The Community of Etter was started, a new county courthouse was built and a library was started.
A blacksmith shop was opened in 1910 by A. L. Anderson and Brown's Pharmacy opened in 1914.
Another natural disaster came in 1918 when "The Big One" blizzard covered the county.
Cotton became a popular crop in the Panhandle and a cotton gin was built in 1922. The first bale of cotton was ginned in 1924.
Phil Baxter stopped in Dumas in 1923, stayed a few days and wrote the song "I'm a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas."
Oil and gas were discovered in Moore County in 1925 and a few years later, in 1929, Shamrock Oil and Gas began operating a natural gas plant.
Belle Plain was a small community started in the east part of the county in 1926, but was short lived and died in 1929.
The year of 1927 was busy one with electricity, gas and water systems constructed for the city, the chamber of commerce was organized and the first edition of Moore County News was published on June 17.
By 1930, the population of the county had grown to 1555, Dumas was incorporated as a city and Sunray was organized. The Dumas theatre was opened and the city purchased the first fire engine.
In 1931, the railroad came to Dumas and the first wheat crop was shipped by rail. The Community of Etter was started, a new county courthouse was built and a library was started.

The "dustbowl" started in 1932 and a bank robbery was attempted.
The next year, 1933, Charles Lindbergh and his wife made an unexpected stop on the Coon Ranch for some emergency plane repairs. Bank robbers made another unsuccessful attempt to rob the bank.
The highway going through Dumas was paved in 1935.
Industries and agriculture continued to grow. American Zinc began operating a smelter in 1936. The plant employed approximately 400, but was forced to close because of environmental problems. The plant was sold at auction in 1971.
The next few years saw several industries beginning. A carbon black plant began operating in 1937, Sunray Coop started in 1939 and in 1943, Exell Helium Plant and Phillips Chemical Plant were built.
The 1940 census showed the county population was 4461. A city hall was built in 1940 and the first airport was started east of town.
Sunray was incorporated as a town in 1942. The town of Cactus was started and a school was built there.
Southwestern Public Service began supplying electricity in 1946 and the city installed street lights.
The 1950 census showed the county population as 13,349. That year Moore County Grain Elevator opened and work began on the Sneed Hotel (later named Flying A Hotel).
Potash Company of America was built in 1951, Sunray State Bank opened and the first county fair was held.
The airport was built west of town in 1953.
Elementary school were constructed beginning in 1951 with South Ward (now Sunset) school. East Ward (Morningside) and North Ward (Green Acres) were both built in 1953. Hillcrest school was not built until 1966.
The post office was built at Eighth and Bliss (now the Texas Highway Department) in 1956.
The next year, 1933, Charles Lindbergh and his wife made an unexpected stop on the Coon Ranch for some emergency plane repairs. Bank robbers made another unsuccessful attempt to rob the bank.
The highway going through Dumas was paved in 1935.
Industries and agriculture continued to grow. American Zinc began operating a smelter in 1936. The plant employed approximately 400, but was forced to close because of environmental problems. The plant was sold at auction in 1971.
The next few years saw several industries beginning. A carbon black plant began operating in 1937, Sunray Coop started in 1939 and in 1943, Exell Helium Plant and Phillips Chemical Plant were built.
The 1940 census showed the county population was 4461. A city hall was built in 1940 and the first airport was started east of town.
Sunray was incorporated as a town in 1942. The town of Cactus was started and a school was built there.
Southwestern Public Service began supplying electricity in 1946 and the city installed street lights.
The 1950 census showed the county population as 13,349. That year Moore County Grain Elevator opened and work began on the Sneed Hotel (later named Flying A Hotel).
Potash Company of America was built in 1951, Sunray State Bank opened and the first county fair was held.
The airport was built west of town in 1953.
Elementary school were constructed beginning in 1951 with South Ward (now Sunset) school. East Ward (Morningside) and North Ward (Green Acres) were both built in 1953. Hillcrest school was not built until 1966.
The post office was built at Eighth and Bliss (now the Texas Highway Department) in 1956.

Also, in 1956 an explosion at Shamrock McKee Plant caused the death of 19 employees and fire fighters.
Population of the county in the 1960 census was 14,773. The Palo Duro school east of town closed. The first feedlot, Dumas Cattle Feeders, was built. Sunray High School boys basketball won regional championship.
The Middlewell school closed in 1960. Killgore Memorial Library was built. A city hall was constructed in Sunray.
Sports were making headlines in the 1960's. Dumas High School football team won a state championship in 1961 and followed in 1962 with state championships in football, basketball, and baseball. Sunray High School football again won regional championship.
In 1964, DeKalb Pfizer was first seed company to construct a plant in Moore County. Funk Seed opened a plant in 1965 and Northup King in 1971.
Housing units that were constructed for workers in the Cactus Ordnance Plant in the 1940's were sold to individuals in 1964.
Texas Beef Feeders began operating a feedlot in 1967 and Cactus Feeders opened in 1975.
The 1970 census showed population had dropped slightly to 14,070.
Pork production was growing in the county with New Way Pork opening in 1971, followed by Higley Pork Farms in 1973.
High school sports were still making headlines in the 1970's with Dumas High School winning basketball and baseball state championships in 1971. Sunray High School won regional championship in football in 1977 and in 1979 won the Regional championship in boys track. The Sunray High School girls track team won the State Championship that same year.
American Beef Packers, one of the largest employers in the county opened near Cactus in 1974. A big celebration was held with gifts of tee-shirts, red cowboy hats and a barbecue at the plant site. The plant has had several names over the years and today is JBS.
Moore County Historical Museum, now Window on the Plains, opened in 1976 in the ballroom of the Lew Haile Annex.
Population of the county in the 1960 census was 14,773. The Palo Duro school east of town closed. The first feedlot, Dumas Cattle Feeders, was built. Sunray High School boys basketball won regional championship.
The Middlewell school closed in 1960. Killgore Memorial Library was built. A city hall was constructed in Sunray.
Sports were making headlines in the 1960's. Dumas High School football team won a state championship in 1961 and followed in 1962 with state championships in football, basketball, and baseball. Sunray High School football again won regional championship.
In 1964, DeKalb Pfizer was first seed company to construct a plant in Moore County. Funk Seed opened a plant in 1965 and Northup King in 1971.
Housing units that were constructed for workers in the Cactus Ordnance Plant in the 1940's were sold to individuals in 1964.
Texas Beef Feeders began operating a feedlot in 1967 and Cactus Feeders opened in 1975.
The 1970 census showed population had dropped slightly to 14,070.
Pork production was growing in the county with New Way Pork opening in 1971, followed by Higley Pork Farms in 1973.
High school sports were still making headlines in the 1970's with Dumas High School winning basketball and baseball state championships in 1971. Sunray High School won regional championship in football in 1977 and in 1979 won the Regional championship in boys track. The Sunray High School girls track team won the State Championship that same year.
American Beef Packers, one of the largest employers in the county opened near Cactus in 1974. A big celebration was held with gifts of tee-shirts, red cowboy hats and a barbecue at the plant site. The plant has had several names over the years and today is JBS.
Moore County Historical Museum, now Window on the Plains, opened in 1976 in the ballroom of the Lew Haile Annex.

Population in the 1980 census was 16,757.
The 1908's were again busy with sports. The DHS girls basketball team won a state championship in 1980 and the DHS volleyball team won the first of three consecutive state championships in 1988. Sunray girls and boys tennis teams won regional championships in 1989 and the Sunray band went to state competition.
"Old Sandy," Boss Crump's horse died and the land at 14th and Dumas Ave. that was set aside as his home bcause available for sale. Construction began on a shopping center, Guylane Plaza, and a Wal-Mart store on the land where Sandy had lived.
The county population was still growing according to the 1990 census. It was now 19,884, but by the year 2000 to 20,121.
Amarillo College opened a Moore County branch in 2001 and offered college classes locally. Moore County Historical Museum moved to a new location at 1820 S. Dumas Ave. and became Window on the Plains Museum. That following year, the Flying A Hotel (courthouse annex) was demolished.
First National Bank opened in 2002 in the Guylane Plaza. The following year a visitor's center was opened on the south edge of town and was a new home of the Chamber of Commerce.
Moore County Art Association moved next to Window on the Plains in 2004 and became the Art Center.
Wal-Mart opened a 107,972 square foot building at 2003 Dumas Ave. and made one-stop shopping more convenient in 2004.
Wind farms began appearing across the Panhandle and in 2008, the John Deere Wind Farm was opened south of Dumas.
First National Bank moved to a new building on East First Street in 2009.
The population of the county was 21,904 in 2010.
Schools continued to grow with the addition of a new intermediate school at 400 Texas Avenue in 2010.
Hotels were constructed to house travelers and construction workers. Three were built on the south edge of Dumas, the Hampton Inn, LaQuinta Inn and Holiday Inn Express.
The Dumas Airport received work to extend runways to accommodate larger planes and in 2017 Hoggs BBQ was opened at the airport. The well-known Albert's restaurant closed in 2019, but was quickly reopened as Big County Restaurant.
A fire destroyed the Star Theatre and Oak Lanes Bowling Alley in early 2019.
Work began in 2020, in relocating city utilities down Dumas Avenue to get ready for the asphalt road on Dumas Avenue to be replaced with concrete.
Businesses come and go, industries come and go, but Dumas remains a growing community in a thriving county.
The 1908's were again busy with sports. The DHS girls basketball team won a state championship in 1980 and the DHS volleyball team won the first of three consecutive state championships in 1988. Sunray girls and boys tennis teams won regional championships in 1989 and the Sunray band went to state competition.
"Old Sandy," Boss Crump's horse died and the land at 14th and Dumas Ave. that was set aside as his home bcause available for sale. Construction began on a shopping center, Guylane Plaza, and a Wal-Mart store on the land where Sandy had lived.
The county population was still growing according to the 1990 census. It was now 19,884, but by the year 2000 to 20,121.
Amarillo College opened a Moore County branch in 2001 and offered college classes locally. Moore County Historical Museum moved to a new location at 1820 S. Dumas Ave. and became Window on the Plains Museum. That following year, the Flying A Hotel (courthouse annex) was demolished.
First National Bank opened in 2002 in the Guylane Plaza. The following year a visitor's center was opened on the south edge of town and was a new home of the Chamber of Commerce.
Moore County Art Association moved next to Window on the Plains in 2004 and became the Art Center.
Wal-Mart opened a 107,972 square foot building at 2003 Dumas Ave. and made one-stop shopping more convenient in 2004.
Wind farms began appearing across the Panhandle and in 2008, the John Deere Wind Farm was opened south of Dumas.
First National Bank moved to a new building on East First Street in 2009.
The population of the county was 21,904 in 2010.
Schools continued to grow with the addition of a new intermediate school at 400 Texas Avenue in 2010.
Hotels were constructed to house travelers and construction workers. Three were built on the south edge of Dumas, the Hampton Inn, LaQuinta Inn and Holiday Inn Express.
The Dumas Airport received work to extend runways to accommodate larger planes and in 2017 Hoggs BBQ was opened at the airport. The well-known Albert's restaurant closed in 2019, but was quickly reopened as Big County Restaurant.
A fire destroyed the Star Theatre and Oak Lanes Bowling Alley in early 2019.
Work began in 2020, in relocating city utilities down Dumas Avenue to get ready for the asphalt road on Dumas Avenue to be replaced with concrete.
Businesses come and go, industries come and go, but Dumas remains a growing community in a thriving county.